Picture of Brian Schmidt

Brian Schmidt

Election 2016 Win: Milpitas Says YES to Measure I

UPDATE: We’re excited that Measure I passed in the November 2016 election!

This measure renews the city’s Urban Growth Boundary for 20 years. First adopted by voters in 1998, the city’s growth boundary protects important open space in Milpitas from sprawl development.

The City of Milpitas includes significant open space lands, primarily in the foothills of the Mount Hamilton Range. In 1998, voters enacted Measure Z, establishing one of the few voter-approved Urban Growth Boundaries in Santa Clara County to limit extension of urban services in the hillsides. Measure Z expires in 2018, leading to calls in recent years for its renewal.

The Milpitas City Council voted unanimously to add the renewal of Measure Z to the November 2016 ballot. Now it’s time for voters across the city to stand up for protecting this popular open space protection measure, by voting for Measure I.

Greenbelt Alliance urges everyone in Milpitas to vote YES on Measure I.


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