Questions About Our Work

[toggle title=”What is a greenbelt?”]
Greenbelt is a term used in land-use planning which refers to areas of largely undeveloped, wild, or farm and ranch land surrounding or neighboring urban areas. Cities around the world have intentionally protected their greenbelts to ensure a healthy environment and to give residents access to all of the benefits this land brings—including fresh food, recreation, carbon sequestration, etc. The Bay Area’s greenbelt is approximately 3.6 million acres of land outside of cities and towns in our nine counties. This map shows urban land (gray) and greenbelt land (green) in our region.

Read an in-depth description here: What is a greenbelt?



[toggle title=”What can I do to help Greenbelt Alliance?”]1. Take action online
2. Donate
3. Sign up for email updates and action alerts in your neighborhood using the form at the bottom of this page
4. Share our posts on Facebook Twitter and LinkedIn
5. Attend an outing or event
6. Browse our volunteer opportunities[/toggle]

[toggle title=”What does Greenbelt Alliance do?”]We shape the rules that govern growth around the San Francisco Bay Area so that the right development happens in the right places.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”How do you shape the rules that govern growth?”]We shape the rules that govern growth by advocating for, providing expertise on, and building support behind public policy and planning which promote conservation and smart growth. Read more about our current campaigns in the Our Work section of the website.


[toggle title=”Does Greenbelt Alliance buy land?”]No. We promote good land-use decisions by shaping the policies and plans of counties, cities, and towns. For information on donating land or selling conservation easements, contact your local land trust.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Do you offer support to groups outside of the Bay Area?”]Greenbelt Alliance focuses on the San Francisco Bay Area. However, our experts speak on land-use issues at conferences around the country and many of our policy reports and organizing tools are used by groups nationwide. Check out our research page to find the latest resources for smart growth and conservation activists. Browse our staff directory for speakers on issues that are important to your organization.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Do you offer internships?”]Yes! We offer volunteer internship opportunities which we post here when available.[/toggle]


[toggle title=”Are donations to Greenbelt Alliance tax-deductible?”]Yes! Greenbelt Alliance is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our tax I.D. # is 94-1676747.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”My donation didn’t go through correctly, or there is an incorrect charge on my account.”]Oh no! Let’s get that fixed right away. To talk to someone via phone, call us at 415.543.6771 x325. If you’d rather email, here’s our contact form. [/toggle]

Privacy, Mailing, and Email

[toggle title=”How do I subscribe to or unsubscribe from your emails?”]You can sign up for email using the form at the bottom of all of our web pages.
You can manage your email preferences or unsubscribe using the links in the bottom of any email we send. Your preferences will be updated immediately.

If you need assistance, email us.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”How do I change my mailing address?”]To change your address via phone, call us at 415.543.6771 x325. If you’d rather email, email us here.[/toggle]

[toggle title=”Where can I find your website and donor privacy policy?”]Our full privacy policy is located here.[/toggle]

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