Photo: Sharon Hahn Darlin
Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Berkeley: Vote NO on Measure R

Berkeley has an award-winning Downtown Plan that creates opportunities for vibrant streets with new homes and shops right by the Downtown Berkeley BART Station. Measure R would undo much of that plan, making the city more expensive, more car-dependent, and more polluted as a result.

Stand up for a vibrant and green downtown Berkeley and vote no on Measure R.

If approved, Measure R would stifle the revitalization of downtown Berkeley and make finding an affordable place to live in a walkable neighborhood further out of reach for Bay Area residents. The measure includes 28 pages of new requirements that will roll back progress toward a greener, thriving downtown. For example, the measure would force new developments to dedicate more space to parking and deny millions of dollars to nonprofit organizations that build homes for seniors and low-income residents.

These rules would invalidate many of the core components of the sustainable Downtown Plan that 64% of Berkeley voters supported just four years ago. Greenbelt Alliance was proud to endorse that plan and we’re extremely disappointed to see years of thorough, community-driven consensus-building put at risk by this misguided and flawed ballot measure.

On November 4, join us in saying no to Berkeley’s Measure R.

Measure R is opposed by a broad coalition of environmentalists, seniors, students, small-business owners, housing advocates, labor organizations, artists, and educators. Two-thirds of the Berkeley City Council opposes the measure, as do Berkeley’s two representatives in Sacramento. Join the campaign at

Photo: Sharon Hahn Darlin


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