Picture of Amy Henson

Amy Henson

Greenbelt Alliance Named 2013 Top Nonprofit

The international organization Philanthropedia, which helps donors give more strategically, has named Greenbelt Alliance as an expert-recommended high-impact nonprofit. A group of 88 experts identified us as 1 of 18 Top Nonprofits working in the field of climate change in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Donate today to help continue our impact on the Bay Area!


Reviews from experts about our impact included:


“Greenbelt is instrumental in developing good policies for local governments to build infill and preserve open space. They are specifically organizing pro-infill advocates in key communities throughout the Bay Area and have catalogued available development opportunities within existing urban areas.”

“They have strong leadership among group of organizations working to implement Senate Bill 375 through the great communities collaborative.”

“They do grassroots engagement to ensure that local planning and zoning resist the paving of America, preserving open space and farmland and supporting transit friendly development. They have great local organizers work with community groups to ensure effectiveness of civic engagement.”

Thank you to our supporters and friends who help us in championing the places that make the Bay Area special.

Donate today to help us continue our mission.

More on Philanthropedia

Philanthropedia (a division of GuideStar) is a nonprofit organization working to help donors make smarter donations by connecting them with some of the highest impact nonprofits in a cause. They are different from other online rating sites or donation sites because they use experts to identify high-impact nonprofits.

All the information collected from the research is available on Philanthropedia’s website and will shortly be available on GuideStar’s report pages and on GuideStar’s TakeAction website.

Read more about what experts in the field have to say about Greenbelt Alliance.

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