Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Dear Walnut Creek…

The City of Walnut Creek has embarked on an exciting neighborhood-scale planning process for “West Downtown,” the area stretching south from its downtown BART station. Done well, this effort can strengthen the local economy, foster a healthier community, improve housing and transit opportunities for all residents, and alleviate the development pressure on nearby natural lands.

After gathering community input through a series of workshops, Walnut Creek is now creating a handful of alternative plans that chart out different options for West Downtown. The City plans to roll them out in this summer and pick a final plan shortly thereafter.

To help Walnut Creek move towards a sustainable future, Greenbelt Alliance partnered with fellow Bay Area nonprofits TransForm, the East Bay Bicycle Coalition, East Bay Housing Organizations, and Bike Walnut Creek to bring some of our best ideas to the City. Our recommendations focus on stimulating a fruitful, data-driven community dialogue about opportunities to create a thriving neighborhood in West Downtown.

Read the letter we submitted to Walnut Creek here (PDF).


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