Picture of Jeremy Madsen

Jeremy Madsen

Michele Beasley, New Executive Director of the San Mateo County Parks Foundation

After nearly 11 years of championing the places that make the Bay Area special at Greenbelt Alliance, Michele Beasley will be leaving the organization to serve as executive director of the San Mateo County Parks Foundation.

I want to give Michele a very enthusiastic congratulations on the new position and convey how much I appreciate everything she has done for Greenbelt Alliance. It’s been truly amazing to watch her contributions grow and grow over the years.

Michele’s fingerprints are all over many of our big conservation and smart growth wins from the past decade, such as:

During her time at Greenbelt Alliance, Michele also launched our very first regional newsletter (Plan Jose, anyone?), organized countless walking tours and events with influential speakers, contributed to policy reports, successfully campaigned for or against ballot measures, brought PARK(ing) Day to San Jose, chaired committees and councils, mentored past staff members, and so much more.

Michele, you’ve created some very big shoes for the next person to step into. And again, congratulations!

Jeremy Madsen
Chief Executive Officer

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