Picture of Michele Beasley

Michele Beasley

Greenbelt Alliance Endorsed: More Homes for Seniors in East Palo Alto

University Avenue East Palo Alto

The cost of living for seniors in San Mateo County is the highest in the state. Many seniors live on fixed incomes, making ever-increasing rents a burden. While East Palo Alto has traditionally been a leader in providing homes affordable to all, this community is not immune from skyrocketing housing costs. The University Avenue Senior Apartments in East Palo Alto help address these pressing challenges by providing new affordable homes where residents on a fixed retirement income can continue to enjoy the community they love and have lived in for years.

We are happy to announce that University Avenue Senior Apartments is Greenbelt Alliance endorsed. The new development will create 41 affordable senior apartments on University Avenue. Within one-half mile of a library, pharmacy, park, senior center, bus stop, post office, and market, the cluster of new homes sets the stage for a thriving community.

Since the 1980s, Greenbelt Alliance has offered our endorsement to projects and plans that enhance the quality of our communities and protects what makes our region special. Our evaluation criteria focus on seven goals:

  • Efficient Use of Land
  • Affordability
  • Walkability
  • Transportation Options
  • Environmental Design
  • Community and Economic Benefits
  • Community Engagement

For each evaluation, our team provides a careful review of the project details and local context, including consultation with experts and local residents. If a project or plan receives our endorsement, we help spread the word to community members and decision-makers, providing a trusted confirmation that it’s a smart investment for making the Bay Area an even better place to live.

To date, we have endorsed over 175 housing plans and projects totaling over 70,000 new homes in more than 100 neighborhoods around the region.

Protecting the lands and communities that make the Bay Area special is not just about saying “no” to development where it doesn’t belong. It’s also about saying “yes” to the right development in the right places. University Avenue Senior Apartments in East Palo Alto is a great example of development done right.

Read more about our endorsement program.

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