Picture of Matt Vander Sluis

Matt Vander Sluis

Election 2016 Win: Cupertino Says NO to Measure C

UPDATE: We are happy to report that Measure C did not pass in the November 2016 election.

This misguided measure would prohibit the creation of a walkable, mixed-use town center in the failing Vallco Mall and restrict revitalization of other key commercial corridors, making the city more expensive, more car-dependent, and more polluted as a result.

The Vallco Shopping Mall in the center of Cupertino first opened in 1976. Over time, the mall fell out of favor as other shopping areas came onto the scene. Now, it’s nearly deserted, with only a few businesses left.

With careful planning, the Vallco area could be redeveloped to become a thriving place, with new homes and shops, vibrant streets, and better transit options to improve the quality of life for all Cupertino residents.

Measure C would eliminate that possibility. If approved, it would stifle the revitalization of the failing mall and make finding an affordable place to live in a walkable neighborhood further out of reach for Bay Area residents.

The measure would prohibit any use other than commercial space in the Vallco area, essentially limiting the site to its current state. What’s worse, it would have far-reaching implications beyond Vallco, placing other onerous restrictions on redevelopment of the city’s main corridors.

Cupertino, like many other Peninsula communities, has suffered for many years from a housing affordability crisis. That’s increasingly causing a traffic crisis as people are forced to travel farther distances on our congested roads to find a home they can afford. This creates new sprawl pressure at the edge of the region, threatening the greenbelt lands that benefit us all.

We must reject Measure C to help Cupertino become a more affordable, sustainable place to live.

Greenbelt Alliance urges Cupertino voters to vote NO on Measure C.


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