Photo: Daniel Hoherd
Picture of Jeremy Madsen

Jeremy Madsen

Santa Clara County Measure Q Means $118M for Open Space

In the November 2014 elections, voters overwhelmingly supported protecting our open spaces and helping cities and towns grow in a sustainable way.

Greenbelt Alliance endorsed seven positions on key land conservation and smart growth ballot measures across the region—and we won on all seven! One big election win was the passage of Measure Q in Santa Clara County.

With leadership from Greenbelt Alliance, voters dedicated $118 million over 15 years to protect and steward county open spaces.

How Santa Clara County Measure Q Affects the Bay Area

This parcel tax will help preserve greenbelt lands in the fastest-growing county in the region—adding roughly 15,000 acres of protected open space throughout Santa Clara County. Measure Q will also increase public access to open space, make improvements to parks and trails, protect water supplies, and fund local environmental education programs.

Measure Q Highlights

  • Earmarks $118 million for open space
  • Preserves approximately 15,000 acres of scenic hillsides, open space, wildlife, redwood forests, and agricultural lands
  • Endorsed by 500 organizations and individuals
  • Increase in public access to open space and improvements to parks, trails, and trail connections
  • Protection of county water supplies through the preservation of land around creeks, rivers, and streams
  • Local environmental and outdoor education programs with 25% of the funds allocated to cities, schools, nonprofits, and the County for this purpose

More on why we endorsed Santa Clara County Measure Q.

Our Impact

Greenbelt Alliance was instrumental to the passage of Measure Q. We co-chaired the campaign to pass the measure. Our leadership brought together a winning coalition and ensured the success of one of the region’s biggest land conservation wins of the 2014 Bay Area elections. In total, the Measure Q coalition garnered over 500 endorsements from organizations and individuals, including the endorsement of the Silicon Valley Chamber of Commerce, which provided its first-ever public backing of an environmental ballot measure.

What’s Next

Now that the measure has passed, Greenbelt Alliance will ensure that the funds raised by Measure Q will be used effectively to safeguard and enhance Santa Clara County’s gorgeous landscapes. We are working to make sure the Santa Clara County Open Space Authority directs funds to some of the county’s most vital places, like Coyote Valley—7,400 acres of farmland and habitat on the southern edge of San Jose—as well as lands along the Bay, which provide wildlife habitat for more than 500 species of plants and animals.

You can read detailed information on Santa Clara County Measure Q here.


Photo: Daniel Hoherd © 

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